Software Notices


Software submitted to this section must be non-commercial and of use to immunologic laboratories. It should involve methods of data analysis and/or visualisation, or utilize a novel approach to techniques within the Aims and Scope of JIM.

By submitting software, the authors agree to allow unlimited distribution of the software and documentation, if accepted. Actual distribution is co-ordinated through the Software Notice Editor. A directory of available software will be listed periodically in the journal, and updates submitted by the original authors will be automatically added to this directory.

Submission of software to be considered in the Software Notice section is to be made directly to the Software Notice Editor:

Dr. Stephen J. Merrill
Department of Mathematics
Statistics and Computer Science
Marquette University
P.O. Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA
(tel: +1 414 288 5237)
(fax: +1 414 288 5472)
(e-mail: stevem@mscs.mu.edu)

and should consist of:

  1. two copies of the source code and/or binaries (compiled version)
  2. one printed and one machine readable (disk) version of the documentation
  3. a 1–2 page description of the software including the following: title of the software package, primary purpose, type of computer, hardware/memory requirements, a short example illustrating its use, and all necessary references. The actual Notice will be an edited version of this description. The description should be looked on as an item which may be referenced in other papers.

The software, documentation, and description will be quickly reviewed and tested with special attention to completeness of the documentation and ease of use. Necessary revisions will be communicated to the authors by the Software Notices Editor.

The Software Archive is maintained at Marquette University in Milwaukee. It contains most of the software for which a notice has been published, along with user manuals and sample data (if supplied by the author).

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