COSC 4600
Artificial Intelligence
Spring, 2010

Course Syllabus

Homework Assignments

Topics for Final Exam

Finals Week office hours: 2-4PM Mon, 10-11:30AM Tues

Prolog files for Assignment #5
The example and planner code is in and

Topics for Midterm

Resolution with Propositional Logic
The Scheme code for the resolution functions discussed in class can be found here.

8-puzzle and 6-gears
Here are the test cases for Assignment #2.

Non-deterministic version of Eight
As I mentioned in email, instead of the player agent Eight, I'll be using a slight variation. Here is that agent: and

Java API

Book site

SWI Prolog
Here's the homepage for the version of prolog we're using this semester. Free downloads are available as well as various documentation.

PLT Scheme
Here's the homepage for the version of scheme we're using this semester (including DrScheme). Free downloads are available as well as various documentation.

How To Design Programs
This book (full text available online) is an introduction to programming using scheme as its language. That makes it a great introduction to functional programming.

This site created and maintained by Dr. Michael C. Slattery of Marquette University.
You can contact me at mikes (a)