MSCS 5400 - Spring 2019

Students taking this course for graduate credit will be expected to expand their knowledge of the Computer Science literature by reading and reporting on 6 articles or chapters of books related to compilers and/or computer language design.

For each article you will be expected to report the basic bibliographic information, a one page summary of what you read, and one page of reaction, opinion, and what you learned. The format for these reports is described below. The basic idea and structure of this assignment and the format details below are all due to George Corliss. Thanks to him for allowing us to use these ideas.

Your 6 articles should come from a variety of sources and represent a diversity of points of view. Neither 6 articles from Communication of the ACM or 6 chapters from the same book will be acceptable. This is a good chance for you to learn about the various conferences and journals published in this field.

You are to find your own references. Our textbook or material handed out in class may not be used. While you are not limited to the following list, and many of the articles in these publications will not be suitable, here are a few journals and conferences that may be of interest.

You can also search for papers in the following collections. These are limited access, but should be available from campus computers. Proper English is expected in your summaries and in your comments. Use "spell" or some other spell-checker to check your work.

You will be expected to submit your first two reading reports on Friday, February 15. You are welcome and encouraged to begin reading articles immediately and begin first drafts of your reports well before that deadline.

The other four reports will be due on Friday, April 26. As the course proceeds, you should find yourself able to read a larger range of articles about compilers. You may wish to keep track of articles that you find early in the semester which seem too technical and look at them again later (after we've discussed related topics in class).

Sample reports from previous semesters of this class can be found on this page. I would encourage you to look for new articles which have not already been reviewed.

Some of you may have difficulty handing this assignment in on time. Plan ahead. Late papers will be accepted, but they will be penalized. There is no excuse. You know about these assignments FAR in advance, and you have many models to follow. In particular, bear in mind that there will be other time pressures from homework and programming projects. So begin reading immediately. If you plan on writing one report a week for the next few weeks you will have no trouble meeting the specified deadlines.

You are to submit your summaries ELECTRONICALLY using D2L. You should submit one file containing the specified number of summaries, arranged in alphabetical order by Key. Printed versions will not be accepted.

For each reference, you should complete either the @ARTICLE or the @INCOLLECTION forms as directed. Blank copies of these forms are at the end of this file. You should make copies of these blanks and edit them, rather than re-typing the blanks 6 times.

It is important to follow the form, delimiters, and punctuation because these are input for a BibTeX database. FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. Otherwise, I will return your work to be re-done.

Key,               // Format for the key is LastnameYYYY,
                   //  where Lastname is the last name of
                   //                 the first author,
                   //        YYYY is the year of publication
AUTHOR    = "Lastname1, Firstname1
             and Lastname2, Firstname2
TITLE     = "Title of article",
JOURNAL   = "Title of journal or magazine",
VOLUME    = "",
NUMBER    = "",    // Some of these entries may be blank
                   // if the information does not apply,
                   // but the lines should still be provided.
MONTH     = "",
YEAR      = "",
PAGES     = "",
READ_BY   = "Your name",
READ_DATE = "Date you read the article: Month dd, year",
LOCATION  = "Where can this source be found?  Include enough information
             to easily find the material again.  In particular, include
             library call numbers, where appropriate.",
One page (= 30 - 45 lines of 65 - 75 characters each) summarizing
what you read.  The purpose is to serve as a pointer to that you
and others can decide whether you would like to read this article.
Summaries with fewer than 30 lines, more than 45 lines, or more 
than 75 characters per line will not be accepted!
One page (= 30 - 45 lines of 65 - 75 characters each) giving YOUR
REACTION to what you read.  How is this related to other things
you have read?  To the text?  To the in-class discussions?  To
your project?  What did you learn?  How could the article be
improved?  Comments with fewer than 30 lines, more than 45 lines, 
or more than 75 characters per line will not be accepted!

AUTHOR    = "",
TITLE     = "Chapter or article from a book",
YEAR      = "",
EDITOR    = "",
ADDRESS   = "of the publisher",
PAGES     = "",
READ_BY   = "",
SUMMARY   = "",
COMMENT   = "",

SAMPLE:  (Our textbook. In an actual report the SUMMARY and COMMENT
          fields would also be completed.)

AUTHOR    = "Appel, Andrew W.,
             with Jens Palsberg",
TITLE     = "Chapter 1.  Introduction",
BOOKTITLE = "Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, 2nd Ed",
YEAR      = "2002",
EDITOR    = "",
PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
ADDRESS   = "New York, NY",
PAGES     = "3 - 15",
READ_BY   = "Mike Slattery",
READ_DATE = "January 13, 2019",
LOCATION  = "MU Bookstore",
SUMMARY   = "",
COMMENT   = "",

Blank forms:

AUTHOR    = "",
TITLE     = "",
JOURNAL   = "",
VOLUME    = "",
NUMBER    = "",
MONTH     = "",
YEAR      = "",
PAGES     = "",
READ_BY   = "",
SUMMARY   = "",
COMMENT   = "",

AUTHOR    = "",
TITLE     = "",
YEAR      = "",
EDITOR    = "",
ADDRESS   = "",
PAGES     = "",
READ_BY   = "",
SUMMARY   = "",
COMMENT   = "",