Summary for the first exam (Fri, Feb 14) in COSC 3550 You can bring one 3x5 notecard (both sides) if you would like. Anything that we've talked about in class is fair game. I've listed some of the main topics below (in no particular order). I've also listed some of the pieces of code which we've discussed. Topics: JavaFX Drawing commands Frame rate Animation basics Finite State Machines JavaFX graphics coordinate system Sprites Bitmap images Events Event handlers Lambda expressions Bouncing (off horizontal or vertical boundary) Collision testing box-box ball-ball Bounding boxes Simulating gravity Vector arithmetic Affine transformations General concepts: Using variables (often in objects) to store data which describes the current scene. Using a Finite State Machine to control game state/character state. Using counters to "wait a bit" before something happens. Using vectors to represent velocity and forces/acceleration. Code you should be familiar with: Pong game KeyInput demo Target mouse event demo ForestFire game Skeet game