COSC 3410 Midterm Exam The exam will be held in class on Mon, Oct 14. Anything covered in class is fair game for the exam as well as Chapters 1-3 and 5 of the Little Schemer and Chapters 1-4 (excluding section 3.5) of Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by S. Krishnamurthi. The exam is closed book, but you can have one 3x5 card of notes (two-sided) if you would like. A few specific topics: Read and write simple Scheme functions involving built-in functions such as car, cdr, cons, define, lambda, cond, if, case, null?, eq?, Specification of concrete syntax and abstract syntax trees by means of a formal grammar (Backus-Naur Form). Use of define-type and type-case. Writing a simple parser. Writing a simple interpreter/calculator. Use of identifiers by means of substitution. Scope, free identifiers. Read and determine output of a simple FORTRAN program (especially remembering implicit declaration of variables and parameter passing by reference to subprograms) Read and write simple programs in the project languages WAE, CWAE, and F1WAE. Given an expression in a project language (e.g. F1WAE) write down the abstract syntax tree that the parser would produce for this expression.