Marquette University
High School Programming Contest 2013

Problem #9
Move Out Day

At the end of semester, MU students move all of their possessions back home. In preparation their parents rent trucks or trailers and the students pack into large boxes. In this problem, you are asked to predict if the boxes will all fit on the given truck.

Because volunteers often help load the trucks, a general packing rule has been devised. Given a box, it should be put as close to the front of the truck as possible. Then, among all possible placements that far forward, it should be as far to the left as possible. Boxes are always packed in the order received. The boxes are all square, but of different sizes, so a truck often winds up with some empty space between the boxes.

For example, given a truck of width 20 and boxes of size 8,4,8, 6,2,6,2 (labeled A,B,C,D,E,F,G in the diagram) the boxes would be packed:

  |               |       |               |
  |               |  B    |               |
  |               |       |               |
  |  A            +---+---+  C            |
  |               | E | G |               |
  |               +---+---|               |
  |               |       |               |
  |           |           |               |
  |  D        |  F        |               |
  |           |           |               |
  |           |           |               |
  |           |           |               |
  +-----------+-----------+               |
  |                                       |

In particular, these boxes would fit on any truck of width 20 and length 14 or longer.

For another example, given a truck of width 14 and length 10, and boxes of size 4,2,3,2,4,4,5 (again labeling with consecutive letters) the packing rule would give:

  |       | B |  C  | D |     |
  |   A   +---+     +---+---+ |
  |       +---+---+-+       | |
  +-------+       | |   E   | |
  |       |   F   | |       | |
  |       |       +-+-------+ |
  |       +-------+         | |
  |               |   G     | |
  |               |         | |
  +---------------|         |-+ <- end of truck
Since the XXXX edge of the box doesn't fit on the truck bed, these boxes can't be packed. Even though it would be possible to fit all the boxes if we didn't follow the packing rules, we still say these don't fit.

For each student you will be given the dimensions of the truck (width and length) and number of boxes on one line, followed by another line giving the sizes of the boxes in the order loaded (separated by spaces). The end of file is marked by truck dimensions of zero. You should print out the student's number in the list and the message "Fits" or "Doesn't Fit".

Sample Input (for the two examples above)

20 25 7
8 4 8 6 2 6 2
14 10 7
4 2 3 2 4 4 5
0 0 0
Sample Output
Student #1 Fits
Student #2 Doesn't Fit