
Mathematical Art

Computers allow Mathematics and Art to come together in many new ways. Mathematicians can use images to visualize their ideas and artists can use mathematics to inspire or generate images. The Web lets us easily see the results of some of these projects.

World of Escher
The Dutch artist M.C. Escher is well-known for his works involving mathematical themes.

The Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota produces a number of beautiful images. These fractals and the next two links (digital art and higher dimensional objects) are from the Center.

Digital Art
Here are a number of pictures produced on the computer using mathematical descriptions of the desired images. In the case of the L-system images, the artist describes a formal set of rules and then waits to see what the picture will look like!

Higher Dimensional Objects
Take a glimpse into the fascinating world of four-dimensional objects.

Mathematical Visualization
This list of images related to mathematical objects was compiled by David Banks, Staff Scientist at ICASE.

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