Data Structures
Course Homepage
Summer, 2004

Course Syllabus

Homework Assignments

Textbook Website
This site has code for the book examples, the labs, etc.

Maze construction demo

Code for ArrayCollectionTester
Code showing how to write a collection tester using GUI (from Lab 5).

Java 2, Standard Edition, version 1.4 API
The Java API has lots of information about the classes in the Java standard libraries. A great place to look for constructors and methods. Often there are little descriptions and code samples.

Java Tutorial
This on-line tutorial by Sun is another spot where you can learn Java details. Especially if you're a little rusty on some basic language feature, this is a great place to look.

Unix Intro
If you're new to studsys or Unix, you might want to read some of these labs from COSC51.

Reading Java
Everyone needs more practice at reading Java programs. Here is a first sample program to practice on. Don't just compile and run it - print it out and figure out by hand what the output will be. Then, if you want, you can check your answer by running it.
Here's a second sample program,
and a third sample program.

This site created and maintained by Dr. Michael C. Slattery of Marquette University.
You can contact me at mikes (a)