Structured Programming
Course Homepage
Summer, 2003

This is a Web site for one semester of 51. Details of the course structure may vary from semester to semester.

Course Description:
Introduction to design and implementation of computer programs. Implementation is done using the Java computer programming language.

Basic Course Info

Homework Assignments

Our first day lab instructions
How to do basic things on the JavaStations in the CU101 lab.

Marian Manyo's pages
Here are a great set of introductory labs about Unix and Java. Remember that, although all the pages say contact Ms. Manyo if you have problems, you really need to contact me!

Lewis/Loftus support site
Here is the web support page for our textbook. The ftp site mentioned there has code for the examples.

Sun's Java Website
Here is the official version of just about anything to do with Java.

This site created and maintained by Dr. Michael C. Slattery of Marquette University.
You can contact me at mikes (a)