COSC 174 - Assignment #7
Creating a Virtual World with Java 3D
Due date: Monday, April 20, 2009

GOAL: Use Java 3D to create a virtual world. Your world should involve at least six geometric objects with at least three different types of shapes. You should use at least one RotationInterpolator and one PositionInterpolator in your world. Use the KeyNavigatorBehavior to allow the user to travel around in your world. The assignment is not a team assignment - each person should create and hand-in their own world.

METHOD: Your world will be made up of a series of geometric shapes. The predefined shapes which you may wish to use are Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, ColorCube, and Text2D. You can find several of these used in the various class demos and all of them described in the Java 3D API.

Using the KeyNavigatorBehavior to travel within your world does not depend on the details of your world. In fact, you can simply take the definition of the World1 applet class from the mar30 demo directory and replace the createSceneGraph() method with your own code and the KeyNavigator will be setup automatically.

EXTRA: As always, if you want to earn a grade higher than a B, you should add something to your program that shows you have taken the time to understand some aspects of Java 3D that you didn't need to learn about for the basic assignment. In this case that might include writing a custom behavior, adding player interaction, setting up fancy lighting effects, etc.

HAND-IN: You should submit the Java code for your program (*.java), any other files which you need, and an HTML page which displays your applet (and explains any details of running the applet).