COSC174 - Assignment #5
Sprite-based Game

Due date: Monday, Mar 23, 2009

GOAL: Produce a final implementation of the game which you described in Assignment #3.

TEAMS: You may work on this by yourself or in teams of two.

METHOD: Expand the rough draft to a complete, polished game. You should have a title page, on-screen instructions, good display of score/status/etc. If appropriate, the game should have more than one level, or have the difficulty change as the game proceeds. It would be good to have some sound effects in the game. There should be a win/loss/game over screen - perhaps a replay option. In other words, the sort of things you find on simple, 2D arcade games.

Even in this final version, grading of the games will be based more on the quality of programming than on the quality of the graphics or sound. So, make sure your game works well before you spend a lot of time drawing pictures. A game with lots of pictures and music which doesn't detect bullets hitting bad guys and can't react to user input will get a bad grade. A game with simple pictures and little sound which plays well will get a good grade.

HAND-IN: Each team should send me everything needed to compile and play the game (.java, .png, .wav, ... files) as well as who wrote the program (which should also be in the code).