COSC 159
Course Homepage
Spring, 1998

This is a Web site for one semester of 159. While the course is similar from term to term, the specific topics and details may differ.
Course Description:
In this course we study some of the main ideas and algorithms which have been developed in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

Course Syllabus

Homework Assignments

Prolog examples
Here are some of the Prolog examples and sample runs discussed in class.

Prolog tutorial
Arvind Ganesan found this Prolog tutorial which you might find useful.

Planning examples
Here are Prolog examples of Means-Ends Analysis (code and sample runs) as well as a sample run (lcp-log) of the Lisp code from the text for Least-Commitment Planning.

Croquet Tournament
*READ THIS!* Tom Kiesling pointed out that my AC-next function does not work correctly if both players are in a hoop. I have re-written that function (the new code replaces the old in ~mikes/159/croquet.lisp) and suggest that you get a new copy for your programs.

Lisp Quiz
On Monday, Jan 26, we'll be having a Lisp Quiz in class. The questions can be found in the file ~mikes/159/lisp_quiz. Here's a link to a copy of the file.

Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
The clisp interpreter is based on the language described in the first edition of this book. So, while some of the advanced features described in this second edition may not be implemented, this should be a good on-line reference for clisp.

Cycorp, Inc.
Here is a link to Douglas Lenat's AI company. They're working on creating a huge database of common sense facts with reasonable ways to access and use the facts in AI applications.

You can also read about the CYC project (the work of Cycorp) here as well.

Kasparov - Deep Blue Match
Here's a site where you can read about the Deep Blue chess match. They'll even tell you who won correctly! (I got it wrong in class)

This site created and maintained by Dr. Michael C. Slattery of Marquette University.
You can contact me at mikes (a)
The photos of Jupiter and its moons were obtained from the Nasa photo archives (Hubble and Galileo) at