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Rise of the TA Bot


Dr. Brylow writes:

Dear O/S Students,

I'm trying out a new tool that I've built to help you along in your assignments. If you have already submitted an early draft of the project that is due tomorrow, then hopefully you have just received an automated message from the "TA-bot".

Once we get the bugs worked out, I hope to setup the TA-bot to automatically mail you results at the end of each day that you turnin a new draft of your work. For now, it is on manual. I'll do another run tomorrow at around Noon, so you have another iteration to tunce your code before the deadline tomorrow afternoon.

In the fourth section of the TA-bot's output, you will see the testing results. When it says something like:

     ----------Test 02-simple (2 points)----------
     --- dollar.test ---     PASSED
     --- euro.test ---	PASSED
     --- pound.test ---	PASSED
     --- rupee.test ---	PASSED
     --- yen.test ---        PASSED

That means that your program produced identical results to the reference implementation for the five testcases in the "02-simple" group. If, instead, it says something like:

     ----------Test 05-yen (2 points)----------
     --- sample.test ---	
     < ¥104040 = $1000
     < TOTAL = $1000
     ¥104040 = $999
     TOTAL = $999

That means it did *not* pass the testcase named, "sample.test". The "1d0" on the next line tells us the row and column of your program's output when things started to not match. Then, it gives us something in the format:


The '<' lines above the '---' mark what the reference implementation said. The '>' lines below the '---' mark what your program said. So, in the example above, the reference implementation said, "¥104040 = $1000", but the program being tested said, "¥104040 = $999". (Somebody got round-off error from using floating-point operations!)

Hope that is helpful to you.

TA-bot sent results to your MSCS department e-mail. If you still haven't figured out how to forward this mail account, please try the directions at
again, particularly the second or third methods. Otherwise, you should at least be able to check this account using the SquirrelMail link at


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