Linear Algebra Reading Group (SUMR)
Summer 2010

Graduate student guide: John Engbers

My Office hours: I'll be around most afternoons, so lets say 2-3PM M-F in HH 219.

This class is meant to give you an introduction to Linear Algebra. We will develop the subject carefully through definitions and proofs. Additionally, it is my hope that the course will develop the skills of independent reading, learning, and presentation of mathematics.

Goals for the course:
1. To prepare you to jump into Honors Alg. 3 in the fall.
2. To show you some of the beauty and texture of mathematics.
3. To teach you to learn mathematics from a book, and to communicate mathematics effectively to others.

Text: Hoffman and Kunze, Linear Algebra, 2nd Edition.

Another resource: Linear Algebra Done Wrong, Sergei Treil. This is a free pdf that we may get to later in the course.

The course will move at a quick pace. It is essential to do many problems to 'make friends with' the definitions and concepts that we encounter. Please don't hesitate to ask questions. We will have a few problem sessions every week to go over some of the problems, and I will collect and grade other problems throughout the course.

I intend to list the homework questions as they arise in the course on here:
List of homework questions

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