2002 Nov 07 DWB This directory contains all of the code (but possibly not all of the utilities and header files,) necessary to build a XINU bootfloppy for a backend machine. The build.boot/ subdirectory contains Linux bootstrapping code, slightly adapted in order to create a XINU bootfloppy for the backends. This particular version is snatched from the RedHat kernel-source-2.4.18-10 RPM. We copy over the files: /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/bootsect.S /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/setup.S /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/video.S /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.S /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/tools/build.c into this directory. Makefile and compressed/Makefile were cobbled together based upon the versions found in /usr/src/linux-2.4/arch/i386/boot/, as well as XINU bootdisk Makefiles used in previous incarnations of this trickery. The file bootsect.S has been slightly modified to fix a problem with the boot floppies failing to turn off the floppy drive motor. Search for "PURDUE" in the source. The file compressed/misc.c has been customized slightly, and had some superfluous header files unincluded. Note that the linux kernel source, or at least a bunch of its header files, must be found either in /usr/src/linux/include or /usr/src/linux-2.4/include in order for this lot to compile. A simplified version of the XINU kernel, with support for the various NICs we have on the current backends, is in the directory xinu/xinu.2002/. To compile a bootdisk image, cd build.boot make zdisk.2002 This version is known to build on a standard (S3 Lab) RedHat 7.3 Linux distribution, as well as the Purdue CS (XINU Lab) flavor of Linux. To transfer the image to floppy, run dd bs=8192 if=zImage.2002 of=/dev/fd0 with a blank, writable floppy diskette in the drive.