COSC 060 Introduction to Software Problem Solving

Fall 2008

Homework Assignment #9

"Percolation Proliferation"
Due: Wednesday, Nov 19th, 11:59PM CST
Submit: Turn in all of your Java source files using the turnin command on Morbius, "turnin *.java".
Work may be completed in teams of two. The names of both partners must appear in a comment block at the top of your files for credit to be given.


This project continues the percolation simulation built in the previous project.


We are providing a simple graphical front end for you to visualize your percolation simulation, a class called "GridViewer", to be found in the usual location in the course Demos directory.

  • public GridViewer(int[][] grid). Contructs a visualization of a simulation grid. Call the constructor with your randomly constructed grid prior to percolation.
  • public void update(int row, int col, int color, boolean slowmo). Updates an element of the grid at coordinates (row, col). Color 0 is white, 1 is black, and any other value is blue. Boolean slowmo causes a perceptible delay in the visualization when true, proportional to the size of the grid.
  • Modify your existing Percolate class to animate the process of percolation.

    Percolation Variations

    Create a copy of your Percolate class, called "Percolate2" that percolates only vertically, not horizontally. Thus, flow from top to bottom will occur only when a complete column is unblocked.

    Create a copy of your Percolate class, called "Percolate3" that percolates vertically, horizontally, and diagonally.

    Create a copy of your Percolate class, called "Percolate4" that percolates only vertically and horizontally to cells with a row and column greater than or equal to the current coordinates.


  • Test your classes with a wide variety of grid sizes and probability threshholds. Next week's project will build a more complex simulation on top of these.
  • The Professor has provided a reference implementation for you to compare against. Change to directory ~brylow/cosc060/Demos/Projects/Project9/ on Morbius, and run java RandomGrid or java Percolate, etc. Note that as grids are randomized, answers will differ.

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    [Revised 2008 Nov 12 23:48 DWB]