Research & Publications


Published:  Characterizations of Univariate Continuous Distributions. Studia Scien. Math. Hung., 37:83-118, 2001.  (With W. Glanzel.)

Certain Characterizations of Normal Distribution via Transformations.  J. of Multivariate Analysis, 77:286-294, 2001.  (With H. Volkmer.)


Published:  Semidistributive inverse semigroups, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 71:37-51, 2001.  (With Katherine Johnston-Thorn.)


Published:  Enculturation in mathematical modeling.  In J. Matos, S. K. Houston, and W. Blum (Eds.), Modeling, applications, and mathematics education:  Trends and issues.  Chichester:Albion Publishing.

Presentations and re-presentations:  From fractions to rational numbers.  In A. Cuoco & F. R. Curcio (Eds.), The roles of representation in school mathematics.  2001 Yearbook (pp. 146-165).  Reston, VA:National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

A Over B:  Meanings Over Applications.  In R. Speiser, C. A. Maher, and C. N. Walter (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 235-243).  Columbus, OH, Eric Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.


Recent publication—Book Chapter: Using Research to Guide Mathematics Program Development.  In Jodean E. Gruneau (Ed.), Planning Curriculum in Mathematics, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Madison, June, 2001.

Tonellato (Research Associate Professor)

Published:  Blood pressure control in consomic inbred rats with chromosome 13 (Brown Norway) introgressed into the genomic background of Dahl S. J. Hypertens. 18(Suppl. 4):S185, 2000.  (With C. Kendziorski, A.W. Cowley, Jr., H.J. Jacob, M. Kaldunski, R. Kirova.)

High-throughput scanning of the rat genome using interspersed repetitive sequence-PCR markers. Genomics 69:287-294, 2000.  (With C. Gosele, L. Hong, T. Kreitler, M. Rossmann, B. Hieke, W. Grob, M. Kramer, H. Himmelbauer, M.T. Bihoreau, A. Kwitek-Black, S. Twigger, H.J. Jacob, L. C. Schalkwyk, K. Lindpaintner, D. Ganten, H. Lehrach, M. Knoblauch.)

Genetically defined risk of salt sensitivity in an intercross of Brown Norway and Dahl S rats.  Physiol. Genomics 2(3):107-115, 2000.  (With A.W. Cowley, Jr., M. Stoll, A.S. Greene, M.L. Kaldunski, R.J. Roman, N.J. Schork, P. Dumas, H.J. Jacob.)

Quantification of the contribution of Type 1 and Type 2 angiotensin II receptors to the net tissue specific effect of angiotensin II, Annals of Biomedical Engineering 28(6):653-664, 2000.  (With E. Nora and A.S. Greene.)

Microvascular flow and tissue PO(2) in skeletal muscle of chronic reduced renal mass hypertensive rats, Am. J. Physiol. 279(5):H2295-H2302, 2000.  (With  J.H. Lombard, J.C. Frisbee, A.S. Greene, A.G. Hudetz, R.J. Roman.)






Letter from the Chair

Research and Publications

Activities and Awards


Bioinformatics Program


Moved to EECE

MSCS Office Staff

Pi Mu Epsilon


Teacher Education Committee

Graduations, August 2001

Student Letters to Corliss

Alumni Update






Newsletter is written by students and faculty for almuni of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI USA 53201-1881